Cinema Noir

シネマ・ノワールは、デンマークのコペンハーゲン出身のアートパンクバンドで、1980年に結成、何年 間か活動ののち休止し、2019年に再結成しました。
ブロークンビーツ、スタッカートを取り入れたシンギング、サウンドコラージュなど、実験的でダンサ ブルな音楽を特徴とします。
現在の構成は、4人のライブボーカル、メタルパーカッション。 なお、1980年代の自身のコンサートを録音したカセットテープからサウンドをループさせ、バックトラ ックとして使用しています。
公演中はスライド・映像の投影やアクションペインティングを行ったり、観客に紙の飛行機や帽子を折 ってもらうなど参加型の演出を取り入れたりしています。
Cinema Noir is an experimental band based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Cinema Noir was formed in 1980 and lasted until 1984 then, re-emerged in 2019, and is currently active again.

Cinema Noir has existed in several constellations. But the core was: Nils T. Lassen, Bo Hr Hansen, Mette Salomonsen, Mogens Jacobsen, and Annette Finnsdottir. Since 2021 the band consists of Lassen, Hr. Hansen, Salomonsen & Jacobsen.

The band was very active on the stage in the years 1982-84 and played live performances in Denmark, Sweden, and Germany.

The records

In the 80s, the band released two records on their independent label: ”Cinema Noir” (1982) and ”Ø” (1984). The first was produced by the band itself. The second by Knud Odde, Steen Jørgensen (of the Danish band "Sort Sol") and Hjortur Blöndahl. Cinema Noir recorded several unreleased albums. Most of the old photos on this page were taken during the recording of one of these. In some of the images, you can see Danish avant-garde legend Freddy Frank behind the mixer.

The music

The music is experimental and danceable with broken rhythms, staccato singing, and sound collages. Cinema Noir used to play live instruments drums, bass, guitars, synthesizers, and metal. Today Cinema Noir performs with four live vocals, metal percussion, and backing tracks. The tracks are sampled from cassette recordings from their concerts in the 80s. The minimalist, simple, and often onomatopoetic, everyday, frantic lyrics in Danish and English are the original texts. Some are used directly and others are adapted to the new contexts/loops and have a repetitive mantra-like quality and an underlying dark yet humorous angle.

The members

In parallel, all members are actively running other projects. Lassen is a composer, musician, producer, and lyricist. He makes music for TV, film, and theater and has released more than 20 albums nationally and internationally. Hr Hansen is an author, lyricist, and award-winning playwright with more than 40 movies, tv-series and plays among his accomplishments. He has also published six poetry books. Salomonsen is an independent graphic designer and craftsperson. She designs art books and magazines. She experiments with papermaking and ceramics. Jacobsen is an internationally acknowledged media artist and Danish internet art pioneer. He creates speculative devices and installations, and exhibits in Denmark and internationally.

What the critics wrote

Cinema Noir played with a lot of humor and lots of anger. An extended experimental set of dance music. It was beautiful – and funny.
Boul Borum, September, 1982

Small black soundscapes about madness, violence, and sex. Fierce modernist songs where men’s and women’s voices shout alternately or together twist and turn a series of loosely connected or disconnected words and phrases, accompanied by melodically minimal guitar chords, simple dynamic bass, and hard but sure drumming.
Lars Villemose, Newspaper Information.

Savagery is found in Cinema Noir ... Fast and relevant music that constantly tries new things but maintains that it is rock.
Poul Borum, Newspaper Ekstrabladet.

External links
